Yard Drainage Specialists
A strong foundation wall isn’t the only thing keeping water from entering your basement. Landscaping drainage plays its part too.
D-Bug Waterproofing’s basement repair experts are also yard drainage specialists that know how to manage the flow of water around your home and in your yard. Poor yard drainage is a major contributor to basement water damage, and preventing water from pooling in the yard around the house will reduce the damage done to the basement walls from hydrostatic pressure and water flow.
We know the Pittsburgh region, and we have the right yard drainage solutions for you.
French Drains
One of the oldest known solutions for yard drainage, French drains consist of a shallow trench dug around the home’s perimeter with a perforated pipe layed inside. The pipe runs to an outdoor sump pump and is covered with landscaping fabric before being buried underneath gravel and a thin layer of dirt. French drains are a useful yard drainage solution if you start seeing surface water pool up in your yard due to dense soil that prevents the water from percolating through it.
Landscape Grading
D-Bug’s yard drainage experts use landscape grading to direct the flow of water away from problematic areas. By grading your yard’s landscape, water can more effectively be directed into a French drain system. The D-Bug Waterproofing team is just as skilled at landscape grading as they are foundation wall repair. We don’t just solve the problem, we prevent it from ever happening again through the use of landscape grading.
Retaining Walls
A great way to improve yard drainage and make your home’s yard look more visually attractive, retaining walls are an outdoor landscaping feature that is both functional and appealing. D-Bug Waterproofing’s yard drainage specialists will install a retaining wall with Versa-Lock blocks that is perfect for concealing a French drain system that will keep your yard from flooding. Choose from several different colors of block to best suit your needs and let us take care of the hard work.
Why Choose D-Bug?
D-Bug Waterproofing is more than a basement repair company. Our team is skilled in excavation, yard drainage, retaining wall installation, and many other related services. With over 75 years of experience, we know the best methods and materials to keep your basement and yard dry. For a free quote, give us a call at 1-855-381-1528, or visit our Contact Us page.