Parging and Sealing Walls


Are your basement walls crumbling or decaying? If so, parging or sealing your foundation could be the right choice for your home – especially if it’s an older dwelling. Call the experts at D-Bug Waterproofing today at 1-855-381-1528 for a free parging and sealing quote.

When foundation walls start decaying or crumbling, it may be time to parge your home’s mortar joints and blocks. Most commonly, older homes with terra cotta tile or stone foundations require parging.

The parging process involves troweling or applying a layer of masonry-based mortar, sand, and Portland cement; or a fiberglass bonding cement call B bond; to interior or exterior foundation walls.

D-Bug Waterproofing can tackle your parging process from start to finish, restoring your foundation and protecting your home and family in no time.

Parging to Protect Your Home

While parging is most commonly used to restore interior, basement walls, applying a parge coating to visible, above-ground portions of your exterior foundation has many benefits, including:

  • Foundation reinforcement
  • Protection from harsh weather
  • Extra waterproofing to combat moisture
  • Concealment of imperfections
  • Adding an attractive finish

By parging your home’s exterior and protecting against basement moisture, D-Bug Waterproofing can also help prevent future need for interior parging. Before parging can begin, all walls must first be cleared of loose debris.

Occasionally, both interior and exterior walls are too badly decayed or crumbled for basic parging. If your older home is experiencing extreme issues, our experts can use a metal lathing method to reinforce your foundation before parging.

Sealing Walls for Safety and Stability

D-Bug Waterproofing has the knowledge and experience to determine if and when parging is the right choice for your home. Our sealing process involves an in-depth evaluation of your foundation’s needs.

When sealing walls, we clean them with power sprayers and/or cleaning solvents before any type of sealants are used to fix problems. Determining which application to use depends on many factors, including:

  • Porousness of the brick, stone, cement or other material.
  • Location; whether interior or exterior.
  • Purpose; whether part of a house, driveway, or other structure.
  • And much more!

No matter the variables, D-Bug Waterproofing’s sealing process can determine the perfect approach to protecting your walls.

How Can We Help?

Parging and sealing are absolute musts for foundation walls with exterior insulation, brickwork, or other materials. While parging is not exactly the same as waterproofing, it is an added layer of protection against moisture.

At D-Bug Waterproofing, our experts understand that sealing and parging can play key roles in the safety and security of your home and property. If your walls are decaying or crumbling, call us today at 1-855-381-1528 for a free parging and sealing quote. Or visit our Contact Us page.

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